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Bio Sun

Hopi Ear Candle

Also known as Thermal Auricular Therapy


History Of Ear Candling


The date of when Hopi Ear Candling was first found is unknown, however there is evidence that this treatment dates back to 2500BC. During this time people used this technique and were familiar with practicing Ear Candling. At this time it was only know as Ear Candling. Ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, made reference in using it.  


Now as modern medicine has developed over the years, the treatment of Ear Candling was forgotten and syringing and anti-Biotic's became more popular in helping conditions with the ear, nose and throat. It is only recently that Ear Candling has started to become more popular and widely known.  


Today the Ear Candling Treatment is widely known as Hopi Ear Candle originating from the Hopi Indians. Biosun have been researching the benefits and uses of the candles since 1985 and are actively working to re-establish their popularity.


How the Ear Candle's work


The best way to describe how the candle works is that they are similar to chimneys, this is because the candle is lit at the top and the heat from the candle helps to draw out the impurities. This is achieved by the airflow which is circulating in, around and out the top of the candle. This process is known as convection.


A mild suction occurs and the heat helps circulate the vapours inside the ear which gently massages the eardrum (also known as Tympanic Membrane). This action helps to regulate the pressure system within the head including the sinuses, which may be infected.

This action along with the facial massage can help in several ways, such as:


  • Herbal Vapours sooth any irritated areas of the outer ear, and may help strengthen the immune system


  • The heat and the massage can help stimulate the blood flow, strengthen and increase the lymph glands and stimulate energy points on the external part of the ear


  • The mild suction of the candles can help regulate the pressure system within the ear as advised above. 


About Biosun Candles


Biosun candles are the safest ear candle to use, this is because other manufacturers of candles do not conform to certain safety standards and can be dangerous if used. Several counties have actually banned candles produced by non compliant manufactures.

Biosun candles are made as natural as possible and consist of the following:


  • Pure uncleached cotton

  • 100% pure beeswax

  • Honey extracts

  • Sage- which is an anti-inflammatory and astringent herb

  • St. Johns Wort- Which is an anti-inflammatory, astringent, relaxing and calming on the nervous system

  • Chamomile- Which helps to fight infection and strengthens the immune system

Each candle is cylindrical in shape and hollow. They measure approximately 22cm in length and 0.5diamerer. Each candle has a filter, and safety mark and seam.


Conditions than Ear Candling Help:


  • Excessive or compacted debris (wax)

  • Snoring

  • Pressure regulation for- sinusitis, Rhinitis*, Glue-ear*, Colds, Flu, Headaches, Migraines

  • Tinnitus*

  • Vertigo*

  • Neuralgia* (nerve pain i the face), this treatment can NOT be preformed if the area is painful or the client is on anti-biotics 

  • Frequent air travel- This treatment has to be done 48hours before flying

  • Swimming or people who partake in scuba diving or water sports


If you Suffer from any of these conditions with the star, it is advisable to seek medical consent from your GP.


The first session is roughly 1hour long and includes a full consultation which is free. All sessions after are 45minutes. 


One session (including first session with consultation) 1hour £20

Block of 3 sessions £50 SAVE £10

Block of 6 sessions £100 SAVE £20

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